Hey, Newgrounds. I've slowly built up this game over time; it took me maybe a week to draft up the code, then a few more weeks to add half of the existing graphics, but what you see is the next full-fledged game of mine! I can't say much about it, as I want to surprise you guys when I release it, but I can assure you it will be fun(ner) to play. It's a platformer-adventure sort of affair -- but with a small twist to it! I've been experimenting with Photoshop and giving more detail into the backgrounds and character animations, and I must say, as vain as I am, that it's looking pretty detailed! Below's a screenie in-game.
I've decided to unveil a small test engine of what I have so far. It's consistently running at around a smooth 40 frames per second for me. What I want to know is, how is it running for you? Please post a reply down below, with your frame rate, the browser you are using (ie. Firefox, IE) and its version, and a general comment about the feel and pace of the game. Is it too fast? Too challenging? Tell me what you think! Please click below!
Please be patient, it takes a while to load -- good thing there's a loading screen!