He gave me nothing, hence he must not exist!
Mario Kart, for the win.
Flash artist
Joined on 1/7/07
He gave me nothing, hence he must not exist!
It must be because you're on his naughty list if you didn't get anything! :O
a nice 3 day ban and a post count raped in half :)
Isn't Banta Claus generous? :)
A motherboard failure.
Over here it's a Nvidia driver failure.
poozy wasn't banta this year. it was mindchamber.
That's actually a CIA cover up to use MindChamber as a decoy.
And admit it, Poozy's picture is a lot funnier-looking than any of MindChamber's pics. :P
i've never seen mindchamber's face so i wouldn't know.
http://www.brainwashstudios.com/i mages/ngny_42.jpg
The guy on the right is MindChamber, aka Jose Ortiz.
his picture didn't show up.
NG formatting made a space show up in between the 'i' and the 'm' of "images". Delete the space and see MindChamber in all of his Hispanic glory.
he gave me a three day ban because i told a newb that posting i'm new thread makes the mods pissed.Turns out telling him that made Mal superly pissed and he banned me for three days because he thought that i was backseat modding.
INSIDER INFO: Banta sometimes gives out bans by flipping a coin. He chose tails for no ban, but it landed on heads.
Oh well, Merry belated Banmas to you! :D
smashed my fucking ass
That's the jingle bell rock!
I didn't get banned.
Pwnt noob.
Neither did !!
Pwnt noob x2
He gave me a week ban.
And a partridge in a pear tree! :D